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August 29, 2008

Parshas R'ei 5768

Commentary by Rabbi Ephraim Nisenbaum

            In the Book of Devarim (Deuteronomy), the prohibtion of idolatry and its punishment is reiterated a number of times. The Torah deals so harshly with those who turn to other gods because it is a rejection of G-d and all He has done for the Jewish people. The idols themselves must be totally destroyed, in order that no memory of them whatsoever remain. There is even a mitzvah to denigrate and mock the names of various idols. The Talmud says that, generally, all forms of mockery are prohibited, except for the mockery of idol worship.

            Although this may seem to be somewhat extreme, the Torah recognizes the powerful lure of alien forms of worship. In order to prevent one from being attracted to heresy it is not enough to present philosophical arguments or even hard evidence. A person must be psychologically removed from it too. This can only be accomplished by viewing idolatry as a total non-entity or as something ridiculous.

            Emphasizing the severity of idolatry even further, the Torah warns that even if a person claims to be a prophet—even performing miracles—if his message is one that negates the commandments he should not be followed. He is a false prophet and his miraculous powers are nothing but a means of testing the   people's faith in G-d.

            Other extreme measures taken regarding idolatry include a person who tries to persuade his friend to serve idolatry. Although he was not successful, the Torah considers the mere effort to be a capital offense. Likewise, a city in Israel where the majority of its inhabitants have served idolatry, is totally destroyed. The worshippers are put to death, and all the belongings are burned.

            The Jews are also prohibited from imitating the ways of the other nations. Excessive grief in mourning, such as scratching one's flesh or tearing one's hair in grief, is prohibited. Although this was common among other peoples, one who realizes that he always has a Father in Heaven, regardless of any personal loss suffered, can deal with grieving a lot easier than someone who does not share this belief.

            The laws of charity are also discussed. Like all other mitzvahs charity too has its Halachic guidelines. The Torah cautions the Jew not to be callous to his fellow's needs and to open his hand generously to offer assistance.

            A person must understand that G-d divides the wealth of the world disproportionately for this very purpose, to allow people to help others.  The money one gives to the poor was not meant for the giver in the first place. It was merely entrusted to him to allocate to others.

 "...If there shall be a poor person among you… you shall open up your hand to him; you shall lend him what he needs... " (Deut. 15:7,8)

            There is a mitzvah to lend a fellow Jew in need, but it is also a requirement to repay one's debt in a timely manner. A word must be kept under all circumstances.

Rav Chaim Kanievsky runs an interest-free loan service in Benei Brak for people in need. A young man who had a scheduled appointment at 9 PM the following Tuesday to repay his loan asked Rav Chaim if he could have an extension, as he could not come up with the necessary funds.

Rav Chaim responded, "Personally I would not mind giving you an extension. However, since that sum of money has already been promised to another person, I really can't do much for you. If it's really difficult I could perhaps extend the loan for an additional half-hour, but not more than that."

Did You Know...

            There is a serious prohibition against eating any type of insect. Microscopic insects are not prohibited if they cannot be seen with the naked eye; however, if they can be seen but are just difficult to notice they are prohibited. One must be very careful when purchasing fruits and vegetables that they are not infested, even if they have passed inspection by the Dept. of Agriculture.

Certain foods simply cannot be cleaned properly, such as Brussel sprouts. Others, such as different berries, need special care in order to be cleaned properly. Proper guidance in preparation is necessary to avoid transgressing several sins by eating tiny insects, even accidentally.