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August 2, 2007

Parshas Eikev 5767

Commentary by Rabbi Ephraim Nisenbaum

Continuing his monologue, Moshe promises the nation that if they would faithfully keep all of the mitzvos they would receive all the physical and material blessings. Their crops would be plentiful, their flocks and herds would be fertile, and they would be protected from disease and from enemies. These physical rewards are contingent upon the nation’s observance. The reward for an individual’s observance is not promised in physical terms, as that would offset man’s free will. Individual reward is reserved for the Afterlife.

Moshe reminds the people how G-d had destroyed the Egyptians and all of the other powerful leaders who had stood up against the Jewish people. He also reminds them how G-d had taken care of their every need in the desert for the past forty years. He promises them that G-d would also assist them in conquering the Promised Land easily, as long as they would keep the mitzvos properly.

Moshe describes the many virtues of the Promised Land. The land of Israel is rich with beautiful fruits and other natural resources. It is a land that merits G-d’s personal attention, and one that responds according to the way its inhabitants behave.

Moshe also informs the nation that despite their past sins, G-d’s love for them remains strong. Even now, after their sins, all G-d really demands of the people is that they fear and love Him by keeping His commandments. Once a person has the proper awe and reverence of G-d, mitzvah observance follows naturally. A person who understands that G-d does not show favor to those who are undeserving of it, nor does He accept bribes or offerings from an unrepentant sinner, will keep all of the mitzvos— not just the ones that he feels are important.

The Talmud actually understands Moshe’s words as meaning that only the fear of G-d is in the hands of man, i.e. the free will to do good or evil. Everything else in the world, i.e. circumstances of health, financial situation, physical characteristics, etc. is in the hands of G-d.

It is important for a person to realize how little control he really has over most things in life. This can be quite a humbling experience for the person who likes to feel that he is pretty much in control of his destiny.

This understanding is also a prerequisite for prayer, which is also alluded to in this portion. The essence of prayer is the recognition of how much man is really dependent upon G-d. This is why the Rabbis refer to prayer as “service of the heart” and not merely of the mouth, because it is not merely request but an admission of man’s vulnerability and total dependence upon G-d.

And now Israel, what does G-d request of you but to fear the L-rd… ” (Deut. 10:12)

A man was speaking to the Brisker Rav about his challenges in life. The Rav asked the man, “What do you do?”

The fellow replied that he ran a small business. The conversation continued, and a few minutes later the Rav again asked, “And what do you do?”

The fellow repeated that he ran a business. When the Rav repeated his question a third time, the man looked puzzled. “I’ve already mentioned that I run a small business.”

The Brisker Rav shook his head. “You don’t understand. Your business is not really your own doing, but rather what G-d does for you. It may be how G-d helps provide for your means, but that success is not merely dependent upon you. Only one’s prayers, Torah study, and mitzvos are considered to be his own accomplishments and are what one can do for himself.

Did You Know...

One is obligated to recite Bircas Hamazon, the Grace after Meals, after eating a meal with bread. The Grace must be recited in the place where the meal was eaten. One may change locations if he plans to continue eating bread in the new location, and then recite Grace in the second place. It is preferable, however, to have in mind when beginning the meal that he will change locations in the middle of the meal.

The blessing after eating other foods not made from grain may be recited in a different location, however one may not continue eating in the new location without reciting a new blessing. If one can still see where he originally ate from his present location, it is not considered a different location.