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July 26, 2007

Parshas Va'eschanan 5767

Commentary by Rabbi Ephraim Nisenbaum
After his opening remarks, Moshe continued his monologue to the Jewish people. He related how he had hoped after conquering the lands of Sichon and Og that G-d would relent from His decree and allow him to enter the Promised Land. The Midrash mentions that Moshe prayed 515 different prayers to be allowed to enter the land, but G-d would not relent. G-d instructed Moshe to climb a mountain and view the land from a distance.

This may have been Moshe’s way of warning the people of the importance of keeping the mitzvos properly. Even Moshe, despite all his greatness, was not allowed to realize his lifelong dream of entering the land because of a small deviation from fulfilling G-d’s exact words.

Moshe also instructed the people not to add to or detract from the mitzvos of G-d. The mitzvos can only exert their Divine influence upon a person when they are observed as the will of G-d. When a person detracts from or adds to a mitzvah, i.e. introduces five or three sections in the tefillin instead of four, they become the product of his own intellect rather than that of the A-lmighty’s, and they no longer have the same meaning or carry the same value.

Moshe also reminded them that only through keeping the mitzvos properly will the Jewish people be able to earn the respect of their non-Jewish neighbors. The Torah and mitzvos themselves, despite their archaic, old-fashioned nature, are recognized as the wisdom of the Jew.

The people were told that when they would enter the Promised Land they would find great abundance. However, they were warned not to succumb to the great challenges presented by prosperity. It was important that they remember that all of the prosperity was a gift from G-d, and that it not lead them astray.

Moshe also prophesied that the nation would not always follow the Torah properly, and would turn to idolatry. They would then be led into exile among the other nations. In exile the people would see for themselves that no other nation has ever laid claim to the assertions of the Jewish people. No other nation has ever been freed from a country like Egypt amidst all the wonders and miracles like the Jewish people.

The purpose of all these wonders, and of the scattering in exile, is to impress upon the Jewish nation the omniscience of G-d and their responsibility to follow His commandments properly. This message is emphasized by the requirement to repeat the Shema, the Jew’s pledge of allegiance to G-d, twice each day. Only when this message is absorbed will the nation enjoy longevity and prosperity in their land.

“Beware and guard yourself lest you forget that which your eyes beheld… ” (Deut. 4:9)

A disciple asked the Gerrer Rebbe’s advice how to keep from forgetting his Torah studies. The Rebbe replied:

"Did you ever forget how to eat? Have you ever inserted a forkful of food into your ear instead of your mouth? Of course not! You know that your life depends upon food. If you would realize that Torah is also necessary to stay alive, you would never forget a word of your studies either. Rav Elchanan Wasserman did not have a very good memory, yet he did not forget a word of his studies. Every word was so valuable to him he simply could not forget it."

Did You Know...

The Torah gives preference to the right side because it represents G-d’s attribute of mercy, whereas the left side represents G-d’s attribute of strict justice. Thus a person should also give preference to the right, for example putting on one’s right sleeve or right shoe first, washing one’s right hand first, and then proceeding to the left. Regarding tying, however, preference is given to the left side, as we see from the fact that tefillin are laid on one’s left arm. Thus one should put on the right shoe first, but tie the left shoe first. A left-handed person does the opposite.