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March 17, 2005

Parshas Vayikra-Zachor 5765

Sacrifice played an important role in the times of the Temple. Some of the sacrifices were animals, some birds, and some were meal offerings. Sacrificing an animal to G-d--sometimes to be completely burnt, sometimes to be partially burnt and partially eaten--had a powerful impact on the individual in his developing a personal relationship with G-d. Some of the commentaries explain that when a person would sacrifice an animal as atonement for sin he was supposed to imagine sacrificing himself, and that the animal was being put to death in his stead. This would lead to remorse, which brought atonement.

Some of the sacrifices were brought to atone for different sins. The oshom ("guilt offering") atoned for certain sins such as stealing and then swearing falsely. The olah ("burnt offering"), which was totally burnt on the altar, atoned for the transgression of positive commandments and sinful thoughts. The chattas ("sin offering") atoned for accidentally transgressing sins which carried the penalty of kares, spiritual death.

The peace offering, shelamim, was an optional sacrifice brought out of a sense of good will. The tamid, a communal sacrifice, was brought twice each day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Other sacrifices such as the holiday sacrifices were brought on specific occasions.

Although the sacrifices were necessary for the atonement of sin, they were by no means central to atonement. Even with the sacrifice one had to repent for the sins. Without repentance the offerings were worthless. Thus, even after the Temple was destroyed and sacrifices were no longer offered, atonement could still be achieved through Teshuva (repentance) and prayer. The Talmud also says that one's dinner table takes the place of the altar, and the proper behavior during mealtime serves as atonement.

However, after all the interpretations of sacrifice, Maimonides concludes that the real meaning behind sacrifice remains a chok, something beyond human comprehension. Whether the modern mind can appreciate it or not, the sacrificial order is the will of the Creator. For this reason we pray daily for the Messianic Age when the sacrificial order will again be restored as a part of the Temple service.

He shall split (the bird) with its feathers...a sweet-smelling offering to G-d. (Lev. 1:17)

The Talmud points out that although burning feathers emit an offensive odor, the fact that G-d's will is being fulfilled makes it sweet smelling. An indigent man would regularly come to Rav Mendel Kaplan for alms. The man was unkempt and had a terrible odor, yet Rabbi Kaplan would always give him a friendly hug.

A student asked him how he could take the odor. Rabbi Kaplan answered, "Remember, there are times when we don't look too great either, yet G-d never deserts us and He still gives us a big hug too. You know, sometimes a person is put into this world to go through suffering, and it may not necessarily be for himself, but rather for others--maybe even for us."

Did You Know...

Matanos L'evyonim, the Purim gifts for the poor, must be distributed to the poor on Purim day. One may give the gift to an agent before Purim, but it must reach the poor person's hands on Purim. One may not give a post-dated check if the date is after Purim, unless the cash can reach the hands of the poor person on Purim.

The gifts should go to a person who cannot afford his basic necessities and not merely someone who is having difficult times. Similarly, the mitzvah cannot be fulfilled by giving to an institution.

Children, too, should be trained to give Purim gifts for the poor. Parents should either give their children money to distribute, or they should inform them that they will distribute gifts for them.