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March 24, 2005

Parshas Tzav 5765

One of the kohain's jobs in the Mishkan was to separate a shovelful of ashes each morning from the remains of the previous day's offerings. This was deposited on the floor near the altar. When the ashes would begin to pile up, the kohain would don special clothes and remove the ashes outside of the camp. This did not have to be done every day.

Although this cleanup was something that had to be done out of necessity anyway, the Torah gives it the status of the actual service itself. The service was not considered to be complete until everything was cleaned up, and only the kohain was allowed to do this cleanup. This serves as a lesson that one should never feel that a mitzvah involving less than dignified labor is beneath his dignity.

The kohanim were also obligated to make sure the altar had enough wood to remain burning at all times. The fire represented the Torah, and its indestructibility throughout time. Indeed, this fire remained burning throughout the existence of the Mishkan, over 100 years.

The Torah also explains who was allowed to eat the different sacrifices. Parts of each sacrifice, most significantly the blood and certain fats, were burned on the altar. It is interesting to note that these parts could not be eaten anyway, so no part of the animal was being "wasted" by offering the sacrifice. Certain sacrifices, however, such as the olah (burnt offering) were completely consumed on the altar (except for the skin, which was given to the kohain as payment).

Parts of other sacrifices, such as the sin offering, the guilt offering, and the meal offerings, could only be eaten by the kohanim and only in the Temple area. Aside from being payment to the kohain for his service in the Temple, this eating would also serve as atonement for the person bringing the sacrifice.

Other sacrifices, such as the peace offering, and the thanksgiving offering, which included forty loaves of bread, were also eaten by the family and friends of the person bringing the sacrifice, although the kohain got his share from them, too. These could be eaten anywhere in Jerusalem; however, they could only be eaten by people who were ritually pure.

The latter part of the portion discusses the ceremony of inaugurating the family of kohanim for their service. The ceremony, which involved special sacrifices, immersions in the mikveh, and the anointing of Aharon and his sons, would take place over the seven days prior to the dedication of the Tabernacle. The final inauguration of the Tabernacle took place on the first day of Nissan.

"He made miracles for our forefathers, in those days at this time. . ." (Purim liturgy)

The Talmud rules that one who reads the Megillah backwards has not fulfilled the mitzvah. The commentaries explain this ruling homiletically. If one thinks that Mordechai lived long ago, as did Haman, but they have no relevance today, then he has not fulfilled his obligation. There are Hamans in every generation, and the Mordechais in each generation must stand up to wage war against them. too. Only then have we fulfilled our responsibility.

Did You Know..

It is prohibited to eat matzah the day before Pesach, in order to have an appetite for it at the Seder. Some refrain from eating matzah from Rosh Chodesh, while some even stop after Purim. Using matzah meal in cooked or baked foods, however, is permitted.

Egg matzah, which is not considered "bread of affliction", may not be used at the Seder, and is thus permitted BEFORE Pesach. When Pesach falls on Saturday night, some people eat egg matzah for the Shabbos meals.